How Long Do Cats Live?

Cats, known for their mysterious charm and self-reliant behavior, have been friends with humans for a really long time. The length of a cat’s life is affected by different things. Thus, knowing about them can assist pet owners in giving the optimal care for their cat buddies. As cat owners, you have often asked yourself, “How Long Do Cats Live?”. In this post, we shall discuss all about that. We also explored the Average Lifespan of a Cat and Life Stages of a Cat. As well as Factors Influencing how long a cat lives and Life Expectancy of Cats.

A cat’s lifespan depends on various things like health, diet, and where they live, but on average, domestic cats usually live around 12-14 years. Some cats can even reach 20 years.

The good news is that better veterinary care and awareness of cat welfare mean that domestic cats are living longer than before. Unfortunately, older cats (11 years and above) take about one month on average to find new forever homes. This is over three times longer than kittens who usually get adopted in just eight days.

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How Long Do Cats Live?

Average Lifespan of a Cat

Cats may not actually have nine lives, but how long they live can be influenced by certain things. This includes diet, healthcare, and where they live. Neutering, or spaying, can contribute to a longer life for cats because it prevents reproductive diseases. It also reduces the likelihood of them wandering around.

Even though a cat’s lifespan depends on various factors and a bit of luck, some domestic cats can reach up to 20 years old. Throughout their life, they go through six main stages. These stages help owners understand potential health or behavioral issues to watch out for.

Life Stages of a Cat

The different life stages a cat under goes are;

Kitten (up to 6 months)

This is the perfect time to expose your cat to new experiences, like meeting other pets, getting used to household sounds, being brushed, and becoming familiar with children.

During this period, your cat will grow really quickly. It’s also a good time to spay or neuter your pet to prevent unwanted litters.

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How Long Do Cats Live?

Junior (six months to 2 years)

Your cat will become fully grown and reach the age of sexual maturity during this time.

It’s crucial to play with your pet in a way that teaches them to play gently with people. Avoid rough games like wrestling with your cat; instead, use toys to interact with them.

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Playing with your hands might lead to biting and scratching, which may be cute when they’re kittens, but remember that as they grow, the bites and scratches can become more intense.

Prime (3 to 6 years)

During this phase, which is called the prime of life, your cat will be in the best condition. Even though they are young and healthy, it’s crucial to keep up with their vaccinations and health checks to prevent any diseases or illnesses.

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How Long Do Cats Live?

Mature (7 to 10 years)

When your cat reaches this age, it’s like they’re in their mid-forties to mid-fifties in human years.

You might observe your pet slowing down and possibly gaining some weight. It’s essential to pay attention to their food intake, making sure it matches their activity level. If you’re uncertain about whether your cat is overweight or need guidance on adjusting their meals, consult with your vet.

Senior (11 to 14 years)

At this stage, your cat is like a 70-year-old human, and they might need more mental stimulation to stay happy.

It’s important to provide a stimulating environment for your cat throughout their life, and especially in their senior years, as they tend to relax more at this age. Food puzzles are a fantastic way to keep your cat entertained, and if they’re a bit overweight, it can help keep them busy and active while they try to get their food!

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Geriatric (15 years and older)

At this stage, your cat is like a 70-year-old human, and they might need more mental stimulation to stay happy.

It’s important to provide a stimulating environment for your cat throughout their life, and especially in their senior years, as they tend to relax more at this age. Food puzzles are a fantastic way to keep your cat entertained, and if they’re a bit overweight, it can help keep them busy and active while they try to get their food!

Factors Influencing how long a cat lives

Several things determine how long a cat will live. These include:


Various cat breeds have different lifespans. In general, mixed-breed or domestic cats usually live longer than some purebred cats. Purebred cats, even though they often have unique and desirable traits, may be more likely to have certain genetic conditions that can affect how long they live. For example, breeds like Siamese, Russian Blue, and Persian cats may have specific health issues that can influence their lifespan.

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Genes are really important in deciding how long a cat will live. Some cats might inherit a tendency for certain health problems that can impact their lifespan. If breeders focus on responsible practices that prioritize health and genetic variety, it can help cats live longer and stay healthier.

Environmental Factors

Where a cat lives can really affect how long it lives. Cats that stay indoors typically live longer than those who roam outside. Outdoor cats deal with different dangers like traffic accidents, predators, and diseases. Making sure your cat has a safe and interesting indoor space can help them live a longer and healthier life. Keep reading this post on “How Long Do Cats Live?” to find out more.

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Diet and Nutrition

Giving your cat the right food is crucial for their health and how long they live. Cats need a balanced diet that provides all the nutrients they need, especially high-quality protein. If you feed your cat a well-rounded diet that suits their species, it can keep them healthy, boost their immune system, and help them live longer.

Veterinary Care

Regular visits to the vet are really important to keep an eye on your cat’s health and catch any problems early. Vaccinations, taking care of their teeth, and preventing parasites are key parts of looking after your cat. Going to the vet regularly helps spot and handle health issues early, making sure your cat lives a longer and healthier life.

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Cats are born to hunt, so it’s crucial to give them chances to move around and think. Playing together, having things for them to scratch, and giving them puzzle toys can keep your cat active and interested. Regular exercise not only stops them from getting too heavy but also helps their heart, making their life longer and more satisfying.

Spaying and Neutering

Getting your cat spayed or neutered doesn’t just help control the number of pets; it also has health advantages. Cats that have undergone these procedures are less likely to face certain health problems related to reproduction, lowering the chances of infections in the uterus and certain types of cancers. Doing these surgeries can help your cat live a longer and healthier life.

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Health Issues

As cats get older, they may face some health issues more often. Things like kidney disease, dental problems, arthritis, and hyperthyroidism can happen in older cats. Going to the vet regularly and taking action early can help handle these problems and make a senior cat’s life better.

Quality of Life

When cats get older, they might need different things and act differently. Senior cats might need changes in their food, exercise, and overall care. Making sure they have a safe and cozy space, along with regular visits to the vet, can make sure they have a good life as they age. Sometimes, vets might suggest special diets or supplements to tackle specific health issues that come with getting older.

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Life Expectancy of Cats

Sadly, cats that go outside without supervision often have their average life expectancy reduced by half. Outdoor cats face more dangers, like:

  • Getting sick (from other animals or other cats)
  • Getting hurt (from predators or cars)
  • Dealing with parasites (like fleas, ticks, and worms)

While some cats may enjoy supervised outdoor activities, like walking on a leash or being in enclosed outdoor spaces, most cats can be really happy living indoors in a space that’s interesting and safe. Plus, indoor cats tend to live longer than those who roam freely outside.

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What Cat Breed has the Longest life Span?

Although there’s no assurance that a cat will have a lengthy and healthy life, certain breeds, such as Siamese, Burmese, and Ragdoll, are recognized for living longer. However, it’s important to note that a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and other external factors play a crucial role in ensuring a lengthy life for your pet cat.


The question of “How long do cats live?” has many aspects, including genetics, breed, environment, and care. As responsible cat owners, our actions play a crucial role in shaping the lives and how long our cats will live. By giving them the right food, regular vet check-ups, a safe place to live, and keeping them mentally active, we can help our cats live longer and healthier lives. Our connection with our cats becomes even more special as we work to provide them with the best life possible throughout their journey.

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