15 Cat Behaviors you didn’t know about

Is your cat’s behavior puzzling and annoying, making you feel like you’re the only one dealing with a quirky cat? Well, you’re not alone, and surprisingly, your cat might actually be quite normal. In this post, you will discover the 15 Cat Behaviors you didn’t know about and how to deal with them. We talked about common behaviors like Nail Biting, Covering Food, Interrupting Phone Calls and Kneading.

We all know that cats can be really strange, and that’s part of what makes them so endearing. The only issue is that they often engage in odd and puzzling antics that leave us scratching our heads. Even though we live alongside our beloved pets, they still seem like a bit of a mystery. But if you believe your cat’s weird behavior is completely random, you might be surprised to learn that there are actually some logical reasons behind the quirky things they do every day. Some of these behaviors include;

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Nail Biting

Your cat might bite their nails for a couple of reasons. One, they could be doing it for a self-grooming session. Two, if your cat is anxious, it might be a nervous habit, similar to how people bite their nails when they’re stressed or bored. Breaking this habit can be tough, so try to figure out if your cat is anxious to address the root cause of the nail-nibbling.

Not Sleeping

Cats really enjoy sleeping, but sometimes they don’t sleep when you do. If your cat wakes you up by being super active in the early morning, it’s likely they have excess energy. Indoor cats, in particular, might have these bursts of energy because they don’t get enough exercise.

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Covering Food

We’ve all heard about picky cats, and some cats show their food preferences by covering their food bowls. If your cat covers its food after eating, it might be acting on instinct. Wild cats stash their food to protect it from others. So, your kitten or cat might scratch around the food bowl or use shredded paper to cover it up.

Eating Plants around the House

Cats are naturally curious, so no indoor plant is really safe from their exploration. If you notice your cat frequently nibbling on your plants, it could be because they’re curious about the smell. Eating plants is also a way for animals to calm upset stomachs. If this happens a lot, keep an eye on your cat and consider a vet visit if needed. Most importantly, ensure the plants in your home are safe for cats by referring to the ASPCA’s list of non-toxic plants.

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Rubbing Against You

When your cat rubs against furniture or you, it’s because she’s marking you with her scent. You’re her human, and she wants everyone to know it. By releasing pheromones from her head, your cat is proudly declaring that she owns you. Keep reading for more of the 15 Cat Behaviors you didn’t know about.


The fancy name for that unique open-mouth expression is the “flehmen response,” but it really seems like a cat sneer. You probably won’t catch your cat making this face at you, as it’s a reaction meant for other cats and their hidden messages. They’re detecting pheromones marked by other cats in the surroundings. The tongue trapping the pheromone against a duct in the roof of the mouth is what creates the lip curl, and male cats tend to do this more often.

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Kneading is a common behavior in cats, but how they do it and why can vary. Kittens usually knead when nursing to stimulate milk production. When adult cats knead, it’s often to recreate the comforting feeling of nursing from their mother or to show affection to you. The harder they knead, the happier they might be. Cats also knead to make comfy spots for sleeping or stretch their muscles. The key is to remember they’re not doing it to hurt you, but if it gets too painful, keep their claws trimmed.

Interrupting Phone Calls

Is your cat trying to grab your attention when you’re on the phone, at the computer, or reading? It’s likely jealous of these things taking your focus away from them. To fix this, spend more quality time with your cat and provide interactive toys to keep them engaged.

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Twitching Ears

When your cat’s ears are twitching back and forth, it means they’re feeling anxious or annoyed. It’s their way of saying, “Back off!” If the irritation continues, they might run away, hiss, or swat at whatever is bothering them. Keep reading this post on 15 Cat Behaviors you didn’t know about for more.

Squeezing into Small Spaces

Forget those soft pet beds with plush and down feathers. What your cat really desires is a small cardboard box. Cats are well-known for squeezing into tight spaces that might seem uncomfortable to us, like a pantry drawer, crawlspace, or even a flower vase. However, for our feline friends, these small, enclosed spots are where they feel safe and relaxed. Getting into hard-to-reach places helps them release endorphins, the same feel-good chemicals that kept them happy as kittens when sleeping with their mom and litter-mates. So, when you see your cat tucked away in some nook or cranny, just know they’re exactly where they want to be.

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15 Cat Behaviors you didn't know about

Knocking Things over

Cats enjoy knocking things over, even though it might not be the cutest habit. It’s likely their way of saying they’re bored, need attention, and want to play. Scolding your cat won’t stop this behavior. To reduce it, try adding more interactive toys and puzzle feeding dishes to make your cat work for its food and make their day more interesting.

Licking You

Even if your face feels a bit rough after your cat licks you with its sandpaper-like tongue, remember you’re enduring it out of love. When a cat licks you, it’s a sign of affection and a way for them to show ownership. The roughness of their tongue is normal – it’s designed with backward-facing hooks for effective grooming. Be cautious, though, as a cozy licking session might end with your cat gently biting your chin, signaling it’s time to stop. This is one of the most common among our list of the 15 Cat Behaviors you didn’t know about.

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Cats can make some strange noises, and chattering is one that can be quite alarming for some owners. It often occurs when your cat spots prey, like a bird or squirrel, but can’t reach it. Many of us have seen our cats chattering at the window while watching animals outside. Usually, this means they’re feeling frustrated or excited, anticipating a chase. However, new evidence suggests that this behavior may be more advanced. We already know cats can mimic sounds – their meows are tailored to their humans, resembling “baby noises” to appeal to their owners. Scientists now believe that chattering may also be a way for cats to imitate the sounds of different prey to attract them. Either way, your cat is a natural-born hunter, so the next time you catch her chattering, just let her do her thing.

Acting like a Baby

Your cat learns to talk with you like a baby does – by listening carefully and copying. So when your cat meows in a baby-like manner, she’s likely copying the gentle way you talk to her. People often speak to animals in a similar way as they do with babies, using simple words and soft tones. Your cat just wants to join in the conversation.

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15 Cat Behaviors you didn't know about


Cats are usually known for being super clean and graceful, so when they unexpectedly fart, it can be quite funny. However, if your cat is farting a lot, it might be something to worry about. Cats can have gas for different reasons:

  • They’re anxious or scared.
  • They’re allergic, sensitive, or reacting to their food or a change in diet.
  • They have parasites in their digestive tract (in which case, a vet visit is needed).


In conclusion, understanding our feline friends’ behaviors adds a fascinating layer to the bond we share with them. From quirky habits like kneading and chattering to unexpected communication through meows and licking, cats exhibit a wide range of behaviors that go beyond their cuddly exterior. We hope that with our list of the 15 Cat Behaviors you didn’t know about, you are able to better understand your cat.

See also: https://catanddoghouse.com/why-does-my-cat-follow-me/

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